The Little School

Website of The Little School in Swaziland

Newsletter, June 2018


Dear Parents,

We have come to the end of the first half of the second term, and an eventful one at that.

Early in the term, we started our “Mile a Day” and it has been very successful. First thing every morning the whole school meets in the assembly hall and students and teachers run the perimeter of the school. We have noticed a huge improvement in the health and fitness of the children and the teachers have seen an improvement in alertness and involvement in lessons. Well done everyone!

Leading on from that, our soccer team played against Premier School and did very well and our hockey team was invited to play in a hockey tournament at Enjabulweni, against five other schools and was noticed and praised for their performance and potential. I’m sure the running improved their fitness.

This term we have had the good fortune to have Mrs. Khan-Khagan who is a volunteering on our staff. She is a qualified councilor and is studying Educational Psychology and has been of great assistance to both children and staff. Other new staff members are Mrs. Judith Veerkamp, a retired teacher who has been volunteering in grade one and Mr. Thabiso Mhlanga who has been assisting in grade seven. Mrs. Lindiwe Dlamini is our senior Siswati Teacher. These teachers are all welcome additions to our staff.

The Ministry of Education is holding a Spelling Bee competition in July. The grade sixes have been chosen to take part and have received their spelling lists. Help them study hard.

We have finally managed, (thanks to all those who wear civvies and buy hotdogs and popcorn on Fridays) to have saved enough money to start the first phase of finishing our assembly/sports hall. I will add here that if any parents are able to help in any way, financial or otherwise, it would be most welcome and would earn them a plaque with their name on it in the finished hall.

On that note of fundraising, we would like to hold out Family Fun Day later in the term (dates to be announced). Again any parents who would like to volunteer to help would be most welcome and can leave their names with their child’s class teacher. Any suggestions of other means of fundraising would also be most welcome, as we want to finish our library and build a Practical Arts classroom and eventually a swimming pool. Any suggestions and advice would be much appreciated.

 Have a lovely break and keep running!

 Frances Farrell





Early morning keep fit at The Little School

Every morning the children and teachers at The Little School
 run "A Mile A Day".
After morning prayers all the children run around the school
 grounds.This takes about five to ten minutes. We have found
 that this morningexercise session has a very good effect on 
the child's mood and 
ability to focus in class, besides being beneficial to their
 general health.