The Little School

Website of The Little School in Swaziland

The Jungle Book

The Emantjwele Children’s Theatre has produced another wonderful school play.

The Emantjwele Children’s Theatre is the name under which The Little School’s drama club produces plays. The drama club meets every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon and is conducted by Frances Farrell and Teacher Simalline Chagwinya.

They staged ” The Jungle Book” at the Swaziland Theatre Club at the beginning of September and the three events were sold out for every performance. It was a spectacular achievement. The plays that The Emantjwele Children’s Theatre produces are not the usual school plays, but they are professional productions.117cc80a-34aa-432f-a245-dbf71aa43378.jpgee1687de-35c3-4af7-a91f-a7dd991cfccc.jpg697da33f-f578-41ca-87cb-545aeba1c17e.jpg8333d7c5-1e03-468d-a3b6-ff560a1e32f4.jpgf297476c-4bdf-46da-a711-bc87be0ec02d.jpgbdb2d166-dc01-4a7d-b97a-cf065c7ac336.jpg